
Italian Prime Minister wears bullet proof vest to meet Kenya's President (You will do the same as he did if you were in his shoes)

Imagine this. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wore a well-cut suit to meet the president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta at Kenya's State House on Wednesday July 15th but beneath the suit, he wore a bullet proof vest. Kenyans of course took to twitter to slam the Italian PM.

Some don't blame him sha. Kenya has been hit with a series of horrific terror attacks, but wearing that inside the State House? What do you guys think?

Italian Prime Minister wears bullet proof vest to meet Kenya's President (You will do the same as he did if you were in his shoes) Italian Prime Minister wears bullet proof vest to meet Kenya's President (You will do the same as he did if you were in his shoes) Reviewed by Emmanuel on 13:00 Rating: 5

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